Welcome to async_stagger’s documentation!

Project home page: https://github.com/twisteroidambassador/async_stagger

Check out the project’s README file for the elevator pitch.

Quick Start


Install through PyPI as usual:

pip install async-stagger

Python 3.6 or above is required.

Making TCP connections using Happy Eyeballs

To quickly get the benefit of Happy Eyeballs, simply use async_stagger.create_connection() and async_stagger.open_connection() where you would use their asyncio counterparts. Modifications required are minimal, since they support all the usual arguments except sock, and all new arguments are optional and have sane defaults.

Alternatively, use async_stagger.create_connected_sock() to create a connected socket.socket object, and use it as you wish.

Using the underlying scheduling logic

The Happy Eyeballs scheduling logic, i.e. “run coroutines with staggered start times, wait for one to complete, cancel all others”, is exposed in a reusable form in async_stagger.staggered_race().